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Rads Global Business BV leader for circular solar PV in Netherlands


May 12, 2021

Rads Global is a leading company on antisoiling coating applied on PV modules and glass for circular economy in Netherlands.
Rads Global Business BV is leading company for antisoiing or Dirt-repellent coatings and glazing for solar panels in Netherlands as reported by the study commissioned by by the province of South Holland (PZH). within the framework of the Circular Task “Circular South Holland: Accelerating Together” and the Circular Manufacturing Industry Implementation Program (UPCM). Circularity within the energy transition is an important theme for both organizations. The PZH uses an approach based on on transition management (Rotmans, Loorbach, et al.) for large social change processes that lead to a sustainable circular in the long term society. This requires a management mix of construction, conversion and dismantling. This report contributes to getting the basic knowledge in order for vision, strategy determination and opportunities for innovative collaborations. The UPCM (2019-2023) is strongly committed
the circular transition of the Dutch manufacturing industry. In the program it works Ministry of EZK, FME and Koninklijke Metaalunie, RVO, companies, knowledge institutions and other partners together.

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