Latest News
Oct 13, 2022
Rads Global's Anti-Soiling Coatings for Enhancement of PV Panel
Performance in Desert Environment
The average power loss of photovoltaic
modules caused by dust accumulation is extreme and may reach 1%/day, necessitating frequent
cleaning which adds to the cost of operations and maintenance. One of the solutions to the problem of
PV soiling is anti-soil coatings provided by Rads Global , Netherlands, where hydrophilic coatings with spectral characteristics suitable for PV applications are added to the outer layer of PV glass.
Mar 9, 2022
Ältere Solaranlagen: Frische Beschichtung soll Ausbeute deutlich steigern
Das niederländische Unternehmen Rads Global Business hat eine neuartige Anti-Schmutz-Beschichtung für Solarpaneele entwickelt. Nach deren Angaben können Solaranlagen, die zwei Jahre oder älter sind, von der Beschichtung profitieren. Durch das Auftragen soll die Energieausbeute um bis zu sieben Prozent steigen, nach 2,5 bis vier Jahren hat sich die Investition rentiert.
Mar 6, 2022
طلاء مضاد للغبار على الألواح الكه روضوئية
طورت الشركة الهولندية Rads Global Business طلاء مضاد للتلوث للوحدات الكهروضوئية الشمسية التي لا يقل عمرها عن عامين. يُزعم أن المنتج الجديد يزيد من إنتاجية الطاقة بنسبة تصل إلى 7٪ ويبلغ وقت استرداده من 2.5 إلى أربع سنوات اعتمادًا على مستوى الغبار في الموقع.
Jun 29, 2021
From glass in the lab to glass for De Groene Loper in Maastricht and SolarBeat
Brightlands Materials Center is developing two innovative coatings in the OP-Zuid project LEEF, the energy saving window coating SunSmart and a dirt-repellent colored coating for BIPV. The coatings now leave the lab and are being integrated into buildings for piloting. Successful development towards commercialization of the coatings will be enabled by the consortium consisting of material producers and end users.
Jun 25, 2021
Coatings BMC from lab to pilot
The innovative coatings of Brightlands Materials Center (BMC, a partnership between TNO and the Province of Limburg) are entering the next phase. Both the thermochromic coating for energy-efficient glazing and the coating for dirt-repellent colored PV panels leave the laboratory. They will soon be applied in two pilots via the LEEF project. Several glass companies participate in LEEF, which was established with a subsidy from Europe: Glass for Glass for the firing of the glass and RADS Global for the protection of the PV panels.
Jan 13, 2021
Anti-soiling nanocoating for large-scale PV
Dutch company Rads Global Business has developed an anti-soiling coating for solar PV modules that is claimed to reduce cleaning cost by around 60%. The anti-reflective and anti-corrosive coating is also said to mitigate potential-induced degradation (PID).